Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Greatest Street Food of all Time

I have been wondering around after school to look for "the price is right food" and I always stumble to have siomai as my hunger stopper here in the Philippines. I must admit that I have a tight budget to keep all the expenses paid like the jeep ride, the bus ticket, lunch and some other school supplies. To save the day, I always prepare a packed rice to bring at school to lessen my payable and to save a certain amount of money everyday. We live in a average income and so my parents always remind me that money is hard to get and I must be responsible in helping them and helping myself to survive daily. Luckily in some classes, we were thought on how to cook and make siomai which gave me an idea to share this to my mom and try making a profit out of it. It is very simple to do you just need a wanton wrap, a pork meat, some seasonings and of course a steaming equipment.

Philippine Siomai 

People in the Philippines work hard to survive and one of the best techniques they do is to sell food because everyone is hungry after work including other activities that burns our energy. Protein is a best source of energy which is also good for building our muscles and this can be found in this piece of delicious wrap meat.


  1. I would have appreciated it if you quoted the link where you got the image you used. That's my photo you used above. I made it and took pains to take photos. The least you could have done is post the original link to your article.

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